Monday, December 29, 2008

Pre - op

Cason and Beverly had their pre-op appointments today. We were afraid that transplant was going to be postponed because of Cason's fever and cough, but it looks like we are still on for next Monday. As long as the fever is gone by Sunday we are good to go, so please pray that it goes away! It's hard to believe that it's almost here. Thank you so much for praying for our little man!

Dr. Kirk, one of Cason's transplant surgeons.

This is Shannon, the transplant nurse. She is in charge of scheduling and making sure everything is going just right.

Nona and Cason today during Pre-op. We are so thankful for Nona
and for her willingness to give this special gift to Cason!


Anonymous said...

PRAYING FOR YOU!!! I was so excited to hear the news! Rest assured that you will have me as part of the army of prayer warriors on your family's behalf. Go Cason and Beverly!

CrazyDeb said...

My niece, Anna Waggoner, just sent me the link and told me about the transplant. Your family and the medical staff are all in my prayers and on the prayer chain at my church. Will be anxiously awaiting great news!

Debbie Waggoner