Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to give a quick update of what is going on with Cason. On Thursday morning they removed his infected port line and feel confident that they have removed all of the bacterial infection. Since this type of infection has disrupted his GI track so much Cason's electrolytes and levels have been out of range. The doctors have been running lots of test and hopefully soon we will know exactly whats going on. Right now they think that Cason has RTA (renal tubular acidosis) which means that his kidneys are not filtering correctly and is causing his blood to be too acidic. This can be caused by his primary anti rejection med (Prograf) and can hopefully be fixed by taking another medication. Our doctors want to watch him for at least two days to see how this med works. So it will be at least Monday at the earliest before we get home. We covet your prayers as we are all tired and ready to be home together.
B.G. and Tricia
5 years ago
You are in our prayers. Is there anything we can do ...hospital stays are NO fun.
Eleanor McConnell
I hope you guys are home soon!
Forgot to add, definitely saying prayers. Not sure if I ever introduced myself but I found your blog from Gavin's blog. My son Logan has been on dialysis for almost 10 months now and should be having a kidney transplant in the next few months. I follow you guys so I can offer prayers and also so I can see what to expect.
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