Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We forgot to post this earlier in the week, but Cason had surgery today. Since it looks like our new fluid/formula plan is working fairly well we had his PICC line removed and a port put in. He did really well both during and after the procedure, which we were very thankful for because last time he had a pretty bad reaction to the anesthesia. Other than being a little sore he is doing great.

Our home health nurse stopped by the house this afternoon to teach us how to access the port. We're a little nervous about doing it, but after a while it shouldn't be too big a deal. Our nurse Amy had us practice on an apple, so hopefully once we go to poking on Cason we'll have it perfected!

Please pray that Cason is able to stay hydrated and healthy. We just got word that there is a chance that he may be able to have his transplant around Thanksgiving, which would be amazing! Bob is working out the details of the next round of testing right now, so we'll know more really soon. Also, please pray for Jackson as he has another ear infection. We started an antibiotic today, so hopefully we can knock it out quickly.

Thanks! We love you guys!

Getting Ready for Surgery


Sleeping off the anesthesia

Happy again!

Check out my new hardware...looks like I swallowed a golf ball!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

He is SUCH an adorable little LOVE. I've enjoyed catching up on your posts tonight. Sounds like things are going well. I'm eager to hear about the next round of testing, so be sure to let us know.