With the promise of never ending excitement, here we go again. As most of you know Jackson has had a fit with ear infections. He has been on every antibiotic known to man and he had a PICC line last year to pump him full of meds to kill off the infection. For some reason we have not been able to stay infection free.
He had his tubes removed on Thursday and since that time the drainage has gotten much worse in both ears. It is really nasty. Well, since yesterday he has started having trouble hearing. As you can imagine this is very distressing. We tried all sorts of homemade hearing tests today like hiding behind the couch while asking him questions and whispering to him.
Our pediatrician and friend Dr. Mark Coker met us at his office and took a culture this afternoon. He and the ENT doctor that is on call feel like the hearing issues are due to all of the drainage, so please pray that this is the case. We are sick over this and are so ready for a break from all of the medical issues. He has an appointment with our regular ENT doc in the morning and he'll decide on a plan. It looks like he'll probably get another PICC line.
We went to church this morning and the message was great for us. We really enjoyed being back in Sunday School and being with our friends, too. After we left it has been pretty much downhill from there. We aren't having the best day as far as positivity and optimism go, so please pray for us. Thanks.
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