Tuesday, July 14, 2009


For the past month or so Cason has had a gnarly rash on his feet, groin and belly. We have seen several doctors, each with their own opinion on the cause of the rash, but none with any worthwhile way to get rid of it. It got better for a while, but then came roaring back over the past week. So, today he went back to a Dermatologist at Emory and had biopsies taken from two of the larger areas. It was a bit rough during the procedure, but in classic Cason fashion he has been up and running tonight like nothing ever happened. It's likely that the rash is either a reaction to one of his medications or an autoimmune phenomenon of some sort. It doesn't bother him too much during the day, but he wakes up itching just about every night. Hopefully we'll get some clarity from the biopsy. We'll let you know when we find out something. As always, thanks for praying!

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