Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Waiting Game

Hey Everyone-
We have sure had a long stay here at CHOA this time. We have been trying to clear his system and line of this yeast infection. He had his infected central line pulled out on Thursday and on the same day he had a PICC line place. We placed this new PICC line to try and experiment before he gets a Port for transplant. Please pray that his system will adjust to the different fluid amounts that he will be receiving.

Since Thursday we have been hanging out all day and receiving medicines at night. These days have been getting very long and we are all very exhausted. Yesterday the doctors noticed that Casons liver and abdomen were both enlarged. This really scared BG and I. They drew a stat liver panel on Cason and everything looked ok. Praise the Lord! The doctors are still going to be monitoring this. He has started new medicines and a different formula so it really could be anything. Please help us pray that this problem continues to be nothing.

As of right now, the doctors are planning to discharge us tomorrow. We are lined up for our first evaluation for transplant on Tuesday so everyone is working to get us out for that. Please keep us in your prayers for Tuesday. It will be a long day 7:30-3:30. I am sure that we will be hearing a lot of information, which i am sure will be a little overwhelming.

Also, here are some other prayer needs......
  • Jackson has a check up with Dr.Novelly for his ear infection tomorrow -Pray that all is clear!
  • Pray for Jackson as he is very tired of everyone being separated.
  • Pray for BG and myself as we both continue to get better. We are extremely tired and are anxious about getting back home.
  • Pray for transplant: Cason needs to gain weight, Pray for our donors to be healthy, pray for timing and scheduling.

We appreciate everyone for reading this long email. I feel like i just dumped the truck on everyone. We are discouraged a little by this long hospital stay, but know that it is all apart of Gods big plan. In a recent study with some of my girlfriends we reminded each other that in tough times we need to....tell our storm how BIG our God is rather than tell our God how big our storm is. This is sometimes a hard thing to do, but we try. We love everyone and appreciate your support, encouragement, and prayers. Thanks and continue to check our blog out as we update it regularly.
Thanks. Tricia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tricia & BG-
Just want you to know that all of you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!