Saturday, December 13, 2008


Beverly finished up donor testing on Wednesday. We tried our best to get some kind of information about her results, but they said that they would contact us next Wednesday after 1:00 to let us know whether or not she is a match. Casons doctors are all ready to go. So...................if Wednesday we get a clear report to move forward we have talked about possibly having the transplant the week of January 5th.

BG and I are so excited, but yet very nervous. We are trying to do our best to prepare ourselves, but how to know how to do that is hard. We have read books, talked to people, and asked LOTS of questions. One thing that we are so sure of is that the Lord's hand is in this situation. This past week we have seen God working and using Cason's story to share His comfort and love to others. Our prayer as we move forward is that the Lord will continue to use us to encourage and be a witness to others.

As you can see in the pictures we are really having a lot of fun this Christmas season. Both boys are loving the bright lights, big trees, Santa, colorful presents, and sweet treats. Jackson is very curious about Baby Jesus and said the other day that " presents are the pretend reason for Christmas". Big Daddy and Gigi were here last night and Jackson had lots of questions for them about the Wisemen and the gifts that they brought to Jesus.

This weekend we made up a lot of homemade goodies to share with friends. We are so thankful for all of our friends and family.
Jackson really likes to recite random Christmas rhymes and songs that he has learned at school. He really makes us laugh and keeps us entertained.

"I just came back from a lovely trip along the milky way.

I stopped off at the north pole to spend the holiday. I called on old dear Santa Claus to see what I could see. He took me to his workshop and told his plans to me. Now Santa is a busy man - he has no time to play. He's got millions of stockings to fill on Christmas day. You better write your letter now and mail it right away because he's getting ready - his reindeers and his sleigh. You better watch out, you better not cry You better not pout, i'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town."


Dianne said...

ADORABLE post, y'all, and Jackson's singing is just PRECIOUS! Those are some sweet babies! Praying all goes well and that you get good news next week. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

You guys truly are amazing! You have captured what it is to live life to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it! May God continue to bless you! Merry Christmas!