Monday, January 25, 2010

Great Friends

Tonight I am so thankful for amazing friends! Today Jackson went to the doctor for what I thought was going to be a healthy 4 year old check up and then we ended up needing to get him some medicine to treat his ears and throat. Knowing Jackson's past of antibiotics and that it takes the strongest, most expensive types to treat him I headed to the pharmacy to pick it up. Whenever I got there I gave the pharmacist a coupon that the doctor gave me to save some money. However the pharmacists wanted me to leave the drug with him to see what he could do and to run our insurance again. A couple hours later, I went to pick up the medicine and when I got there I found out that a great friend of mine had already paid for Jackson's medicine. I see this as such a blessing! I took Jackson today to the doctor for his 4 year old check up, and was not prepared to pay over $200 that the medicine cost. It is amazing to see God show up all the time!

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