Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chattanooga, etc.

We had a great time in Chattanooga with the Blakelys (minus Ashley). We went to a minor league baseball game where Jackson got a ball from a "real baseball player" (in his own words), went to a great children's museum where both boys had lots of fun, went to a park and just enjoyed hanging out with our family. It was really good to get away for the weekend.

Cason had a bit of a tough time last Thursday following his procedure, mostly as a result of difficulty bouncing back from anesthesia, but he is doing really well now. His numbers look great from the blood work today, so it is obviously just a matter of keeping him hydrated.

Jackson got his PICC line out today, so praise the Lord! Please just pray that we can put the infections to rest and that Cason's line will stay infection free as well. Jackson is starting preschool at Lu's Learning Center in Thomaston tomorrow and he is really excited. We went and met his teacher and looked at his classroom last week and it is going to be a great experience for him. We're excited too!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Y'all do such fun stuff and are making such great memories for those boys...I'm proud of you!