Saturday, September 13, 2008

Go Dawgs and Mono

We had a fun Saturday watching the Dawgs with Nona, Papa, and Ashley. We started off the morning reading Green Eggs and Ham, so Jackson had a great idea to make some colored eggs of our own. He decided on blue eggs instead of green and as you can see the were looking pretty nasty, but he ate them up!

Some extra excitement for the week is that BG has Mono. Yes, i know it is kinda funny! He seems to be feeling a lot better so hopefully none of us will get it.

We heard from the transplant Coordinator this week and the paperwork is moving forward. Please continue to pray for a family donor to match. We are excitied, but nervous about moving forward. We get anxious sometimes about thinking about the pain of surgery and recovery for Cason. We know that the Lord is in control and will provide the comfort that we all need, but it is still our little it is tough.

Thanks for reading and praying. We hope that everyone is doing good and having a great weekend.



Jenna said...

Oh no! Mono is terrible! I think I averaged like 20 hours of sleep a day for a while! As usual the boys are adorable...and Jackson is too cute with his blue eggs!! Y'all are always in our prayers! Love y'all!

iamthird said...

Love you guys! Go Dawgs!

Dianne said...

1. I was wondering what it was on that plate, so I'm glad you told us!

2. So I guess you all are Georgia fans, right?? :-) Me too!!

3. I am also praying for a quick match for Cason too...I'm glad you're doing this blog to keep us all posted on everything.