Wednesday, November 26, 2008

There is always something to be thankful for.

Thanks so much for everyone's prayers. Surgery went well today. The surgeon ended up scoping my knee and then removing a bursa through an incision he made through my IT band. I will be in a straight leg immobilizer and on crutches for at least a week. I am feeling really good right now so hopefully that will continue.

I am thankful that we have a four day weekend coming up. BG will be off of work and he will be a great help as I recover. Also, we are so thankful for our friends and family. My dad came down and played with the boys today and my friend Angela had Cason for us tonight, while Jackson is visiting with Nona and Papa. We are so blessed to have such good help.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to hanging out with family. As we think of what has been going on in our lives this past year we know that the good can definitely outweigh the bad. God has been so good to us. The trials that we have faced and continue to go through have been challenging, but overall have brought us closer to the Lord and each other.

Hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving and once again we appreciate your prayers and friendship.


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